Friday, July 27, 2007

To Keep my Blog Alive

I get this idea that I can't post anything here unless I have pictures, and I can't take pictures when I'm home because it takes away from my knitting time!

I actually finished a pair of socks! Ok, almost finished, still need to graft the toe and weave ends, but just as good as finished, right? I keep thinking I don't need sock blockers, but these are all smooshed together so maybe I do. Or maybe I'll just wear them a bit. Or at least have them on my feet for picture purposes.

Next - I started the dragon shawl, finally! I've had this pattern for months - waiting for the right time to start it, and finally it just feels right now. It's quite a contrast following the Dragone chart compared to the MS3 chart - in some ways it's easier - or I guess at least it's predictable. I'm about 60 rows in, I think, and I am truly amazed at the design and what must have gone into it. Now I need to think about what occasions I might wear a dragon shawl....maybe the Renaissance Festival? Not sure I can get it done by then, but maybe toward the end of it.

MS3 - I finished the first chart of the 4th clue on Tuesday, which is when I picked up the dragon. I figure I will start the 2nd chart this evening, it being Friday and all. This clue has gone much, much quicker than the others - I suppose the predictability thing again, with the center section.

I shall try to do pics this weekend!

1 comment:

AnneB said...

You don’t have to have a photo to make a blog post! I sometimes skip the photos if I just have to tell something but don’t have the time to take (and add) a photo :-)

Best AnneB
A MS3 and Dragone knitter.